Corporate Celebrations

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Are you looking to increase comradery at your next company picnic? Or how about some confidence building?

Barbeques and music with co-workers can be fun, but really you’re missing out if we aren’t there! 

We suggest retiring the old acts you’ve done year after year and add an 802 Reptiles meet and greet to your company celebrations.

Imagine the excitement your employees will have taking a picture wearing one of our snakes or lizards! 

Our events are literally a gem hidden in Vermont!

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They’ll think you’re the coolest boss ever and probably brag about you to their friends.

These reptile shows are great for your employees' kids too because they’ll have something fun to do with the adults. 

You book us to come to your event for 1 or 2 hours and we'll have the audience in the palm of our hand.

Everyone can hold our nice, clean, well trained animals AND take as many pictures as they want! :)

These events are great for: 

*Company BBQ's

*Product launches

*Award ceremonies

*Block Parties

*Trade shows

*VIP ceremonies

*Charity events


*Celebrity appearances

*Grand Openings

*or any other promotional event

You announce Kevin and the reptiles will be there, you’ll definitely give your employees something exciting to talk about Monday morning!

These shows can be performed year ‘round and even outside during the summer time.